weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.


I bet you all at home sitting at your comfy computer chair or sitting on the couch with your laptop are like. 

"Seriously? Again? Serious?" 

Yes, Yes, I am very serious. ABOUT HAVING FOUR!!! 

Thank you ever so much Street Racer, BRONYgurl and DeAnna. And if you ARE wondering Yes, Yes I am going to write shoutouts everyday! 

Oh and a special thanks to BRONYgurl for subscribing! 

Anyway um... Yeah I'm taking all your advice and decided that I won't have a topic but complete randomness from my day. 

Saint Patricks day was yesterday. We didn't get off yesterday but the day was quite good. 

It's SCIENCE week this week in the U.K!! 

I think ALL the U.K is doing it. We're making electric buggies, tomorrow we're connecting the batteries and the wires together. I hope I get an electric shock so then I won't have to buy an electric shock ball. 

Facetime is taking years to load so I'm texting my friend now, she's using 3G which takes effort and it loads sooooooo slowly. 

I'm gonna try and draw a drawing. 

f:id:weirdo68:20140319022756p:plainI tried, I tried. 

BTW I only drew that because I'm talking to Emmey (id: emily743) on messages so if you wanna check her out. I can't upload pics because it won't let me so I'll have to draw. 

For my next blog I'm doing a truth or dare with the Doctor Who team so all you have to do is submit a few truth or dares and write down to who and then wait for tomorrow OR the day after. All doctors btw but try to keep it from the tenth to the twelth! 

My favourite companions btw are Donna and Rory. And Mickey as well I guess.

I hope I have made your day and if you don't really like Doctor Who suggest something else in the comments! And BTW if you like me and my blogs why not subscribe! 


Okay thank you for reading and goodbye!

From ElfyEars -W-