weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.

The Doctor Who Truth & Dare

5 COMMENTS!!! That is my world  record! Actually I got six comments but one of the comments are my own. 

Thanks to BRONYgurl and Deanna! 

And special thanks for Deanna for subscribing! 

5 Comments and 3 Subs makes me a very happy person

ElfyEars: So yeah! Thanks a-lot you guys! I feel like hugging you all! Now lets play 

Truth or Dare with the Doctors and their friends!

Eleventh Doctor: Why is it the Doctorssssss?

Tenth Doctor: We ARE technically the SAME person. 

ElfyEars: Do you want to FIGHT me?

Doctors: Noooo we're okay. 

ElfyEars: Right because we had no Truths or dares submitted in the comments I will have to use all of mine! 

Amy Pond: Why am I here?

Dear Doctor Who


Clara: Make a souffle under 35 seconds

Tenth Doctor: Name 10 things you're better at than the Eleventh 

Rory the Roman: Sing Charlieissocoollike's Big Bang Two


Martha: Do you want to build a snowman?

Twelth Doctor: Why are you so old? And why are you in the episode the fire of pompeii?

ElfyEars: Why oh Why are you so amazing?

River: Why does it say Dear Doctor Who and WHY does it say YOUR name on it. 

ElfyEars: To show readers that they can give truths and dares to me and write your comments as a letter! 

Rory: Your begging for comments...

ElfyEars: And your begging for me to get a piggy back ride from you

Clara: Souffle under 35 seconds, challenge accepted. *Starts making the souffle*

Elfyears: 5 seconds 

Clara: *Starts mixing a little while adding ingredients*

Donna: 15 seconds 

Clara: Stop it! *Mixes too fast and tips souffle over a bit* 

ElfyEars: 30 seconds.

Clara: *Mixes chocolate mousse instead of chocolate souffle*

ElfyEars: 35 seconds *tastes it* I like it, I will say you completed the dare for the nice taste even though you made mousse 

Captain Jack: Doesn't mousse take longer?

ElfyeEars: *shrugs*

Tenth Doctor: Okay so 1) Can ride the Tardis better 2) Has a better fashion sense

2) Has hair 3) Better Companions 4) Better last words 5)Better plans 6) 

Rory: If you want to know this is how the big bang two goes! 

The Big Bang 2 - YouTube

Sing A Long!

Rory: *Sings big bang two* 

Tenth Doctor: Better looking 7) Taridis loves me more 8) Decorating skills 9) Facial impressions 10) Awesomeness 

Eleventh Doctor: He just described me! 

Martha: Let it go! 

Twelth Doctor: Episode?

ElfEars: Don't answer that Question! and because I am thank you! 

Thanks for Reading and I hope you will submit your truths or dares down below, tomorrow's blog is going to be a normal blog so have fun! 

From ElfyEars! >W<