weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.

YES!! My blog days have started!

Hello! I had 2 comments on my blog and just went crazy! YAY!!! 

Two is a LOT you know! TWO!!! 

Sorry, that is my totally random tantrum over....

TWO!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much DeAnna and BRONYgurl! You just made my day on so many levels! 

I will now post daily blogs! About..... 

Well that is a question I didn't answer... Well mostly about Animes and Mangas. Doctor Who, Sherlock, Books and other random stuff so subscribe if you wanna have weirdo68's weird blog everyday. 

And I shall have a topic everyday!!! Sorry btw but I don't have any social famous websites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

I wonder how I'm going to do blogs everyday for the next year or two with different topics. 

*shrug* I'll figure it out. 

I wonder if any of you have childhood animes. I know I do. 

Tokyo Mew Mew and Pretty Cure.

I always wanted to be Lettuce from TMM and Cure White because she was prettier. 

If you do then comment below! I want to find out and I will reply to ALL of your comments!!!


And btw my english isn't top class because I'm from around Asia. 

From ElfyEars >w-