weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.

Doctor Who, Jokes and stuff

Back from school! Shoutout to, DeAnna and Brony. 

I hope you go watch youtubers! I already showed you charlieissocoollike and he's the only whovian I found. Here's one of his videos!!
Charlie and the Doctor's Badger - Doctor Who ...

He met Matt Smith!!! You HAVE to watch it... 

Matt's a carmera man, OMG This one too!!

Watch it before you read on. David has really long hair but Matt was really mean to Matt. 


We're making electric buggies and guess to the what? 


Soz btw to DeAnna and BRONY haven't been commenting on your blogs lately. TTMOHHOS/S!!! (Code words to Talk To Me On Hatena Haiku On Sunday/Saturday) 

You can't read it cuz there's a strike in the middle. 

Everyone: YES WE CAN 

T0T Waaaaaaaaa!!!! You're so mean

Wanna chat about a chat about I had in school. 

It went something like this. 

Me: You hanged up on me

Friend: I had to 

Me: i hate you 

Friend: I love you too bestie

Yup! That's mostly all our conversations. 

BTW What's your high score in flappy bird. Mines 48!! 


Funniest story!! 

Right so this girl named Rach- let's call her R was asking, "How do you spell catastrophe." 

Then our teacher called Mr. Marshmallow(cuz his name is like the word Marshmallow) said, "D-I-C." 

"D-I-C," R wrote down. 

"T-I-O-N," Mr. M said. 

"T-I-O- Wait, that spells dictionary, I won't catastrophe," R said. 

"Look it up in the dictionary," he said. LOL!!! 

What's the definiotion of slug? 

A snail without a home!!! 

How do Lizards decorate there bathroom? 

Using Rep-Tiles 


soz about shortness 

From ElfyEars