weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.

No time no fun

HI!!! 2 Comments sadly but at least it was 2!! I got extra comments on T&D with DW so yup thanks to BRONYgurl, DeAnna and Streetcar? Your name is streetcar right? BTW BRONYgurl, friendship is magic!

If right now is 16:35 and I'm in the U.K what time is it in your country?

Time is a nice little topic, time is needed everywhere. If you're playing countdown how do you know how long should they take? 

Waiting till Lunch time but there is no time so we'll call it lunch. 

Your sitting down at your desk in school and you're waiting till Lunch. Break was around 3 hours ago but you can't tell.

 The teacher never notices the time because there is no clock so he says class dismissed. You run out of the classroom looking around for your friend who's in another class but they already had lunch. 

You start your lunch but then another teacher says, "lunch dismissed."

Grrr.... That would be a nightmare. No time no fun literally 

Sorry about the shortness, btw could you give me tips to look after my baby brother while blogging!