weirdo68's blog

I like food so... yeah. And another thousand things that I can't bother explaining.... Okay fine, Doctor Who, Story writing, Anime, Manga, Art, Blogging and food and eating and my laptop and my ipad.

Again!?! Doctor Who T&D and stuffz

Stupid me, didn't update yesterday. Thanks bloodsisters4ever and DeAnna! Where the freak is Brony?? 

ElfyEars: Welcome to another show of 

Doctor Who and Companions T&D 

Rose: Why is it a different name everytime 

ElfyEars: Cuz I feel like it 

DeAnna: I have the tenth doctor all to myself YES!!! 

ElfyEars: *Sigh* 



But now that I think about it, maybe a scooter race. Or a Segway race. Hehehehehe.

ElfyEars: Scooter race it shall be

Eleventh: This will be impossible bcuz he isn't gonna win 

ElfyEars: I love you Doctor

Eleventh: You're my best friend too! 

*They get ready for the scooter race* 

On your marks 

Get ready 

Get set 


11 speeds ahead of 10 but 10 sneekily trips up 11. 11 jumps back up and gets on the scooter as fast as posssible and races as fast as possible. He somehow meets up with 10 because of his amazingness and trips up 10. 10 jumps up and opens a little drawer thing then pulled a switch and went fast as a lightning. 

They are near eachother at the finishing line but then... draw. 

"NOOOOO!" 10 cried. 

"Yahoo!" 11 said. 

Happy Endings happen to everyone!

From ElfyEars 


Hi guys! I'm so soz that I didn't update sooner but things happened and it slipped my mind! I feel so bad you guys! 😭 BTW I'm on my ipad  I should tell you the story why I haven't been on for such a long time... Well  to begin with the past couple of days was school and our teacher has been pushing us after some guys in our class were mopping around they are such pains! Then of course my little brother has been quite annoying. I play with him everyday 

And everynight because my mum has to look after him when were at school and at the middle of the night when he wakes up and she has better things to do like make our lunch dinner and breakfas, doing his nappies must be a pain so I decided as the best sister from the two of my sisters I would look after him! 

Yesterday btw my Cousin's were over and I had to do all this stuff with her so no hatena blog for me. 

*O* So tired..... 

Okay Konnichiwa all and night to some of you. 

From ElfyEars

P.S I'm still so sorry!

David and Catherine LOL

I'll be a happy snowman!! 

Olaf is really cute! 

I'm so addicted to this video! 
Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant ...

Can I ask you a question? I only wanna ask you a question? Are you the Doctor?

Doctor Who?


Watch! Watxh it! Watch it NOW!!! 

David Tennants funny. 


Yay!!! It's amazing that one doctor can meet himself when he was younger. 

Well if that makes sence! 

sorry for the shortness! 

From ElfyEars >w-

The Doctor and me

The story from T&D. 

"Hi!" I grinned at the little boy sitting alone at a bench. 

"Um.. hi," he said. 

"Can I show you a secret?" I asked. 

"Show?" he asked. 

"Come on!" I showed him across over a few hills and found my special hill. It wasn't a big hill, small it was, really small, that's what I liked about it. I sat down on the bright green grass. The boy sat beside me. 

"So what's your name?" I asked him. 

"You can call me... friend," he said quietly. 

"I heard you don't have that much friends," I said. 

"I don't want friends," he said. 

"But you're my friend," I said. 

"We met for only 5 minutes and I'm your friend?" he asked. 

"Sound around right," I said. 

"Your weird," he said. 

"You too," I grinned, he smiled back and we lay on the sun for the rest of the day. 

-.< From ElfyEars

Im sooooooooooooo tired! Waaaa! Shoutout to DeAnna and BRONYgurl! 

I think... Ow my head hurts! 

I promise I'll update later on my 3ds right now im gonna lie down



thats what hamza said

Shoutout to the amazing BRONYgurl

I feeeeel Fatty!! T_T I ate the biggest breakfast, lunch and had a can of Ribena Mango juice. I am a fatty!! 

Addicted to the First time in Forever Reprise!! Listen!! 
For the First Time In Forever (Reprise) - Frozen ...

WATCH IT!!! I as the Elfy ElfEars the ruler of APE (Awesomest People Ever) I order you to watch it!!! 

Yesterday I bumped into my friends and when they didn't notice me I ran muttering "For freak sake" 

Cuz they're all so popular and one lives in my street!! 


oKAY that's all I have today!

From ElfyEars

Doctor Who: Truth and Dare #2

Shoutout to streetcar/lamborghini

ElfyEars: Welcome back to 

Doctor Who: Truth and Dare 

ElfyEars: We are joined here today with two special guests, BRONYgurl and DeAnna!

BRONYgurl: Hello!! Oh my gosh *looks at all the doctors and companions*

DeAnna: David Tennant *hugs tenth doctor*

Tenth Doctor: David Tennant? 

DeAnna: Uh sorry I meant Doctor, I'm a huge fan. 

Eleventh Doctor: You should be crazy to love that oaf

BRONYgurl and DeAnna: What did you say?!?!

DeAnna: Talk to my Doctor like that and I will smash your head against the wall!!

ElfyEars: Calm down DeAnna, calm down. 

DeAnna: I'm calm, I'm calm

ElfyEars: Now, because both of you are guests you will say your dares then leave. 

BRONYgurl and DeAnna: WHAT??!?!!!?

ElfyEars: Did you guys not read the terms and conditions?

DeAnna: Who on earth does read the freakin' terms and conditions. I'm staying.

ElfyEars: Fine, I'll make an agreement. 

Rose: Can we finish up already, I took an hour's time in the make-up room and I still look hideous. 

ElfyEars: You look fine, now DeAnna and BRONYgurl please do the honours.


Tenth Doctor: WHAT?!

Eleventh doctor: Lolz!

BRONYgurl: I dare The Eleventh Doctor to draw on eyebrows!!!

Eleventh Doctor: Are you joking??

Tenth doctor: Who's laughing now? Hahaha

Eleventh: I'm not doing that! 

Tenth: Me neither. 

ElfyEars: If you don't do the dare you will end up like the drawing underneath. 




Eleventh Doctor: Yeah right.

Brony: DO IT!! 

ElfyEars: *Quickly draws on eyebrows on Tenth doctor* That's how you're gonna look

Eleventh Doctor: Fine *sighs*

Tenth Doctor: How on earth am I supposed to do that?

ElfyEars: You're a timelord right? Figure it out 

DeAnna: By the way Elfy I was wondering if you would let me and brony stay?

ElfyEars: Stay? Oh you can't, you're not one of the Doctors or companions 

DeAnna: You're not either!

ElfyEars: Yes I am! I wrote a story about the Doctor and me when we both were younger so we are technically childhood friends and a companion plus I'm the host.

BRONYgurl: Fanfiction isn't real

ElfyEars: YES THEY ARE!!! D8<

DeAnna: Fine, I'l write a fanfiction with me and the doctor

Brony: Me too!!

ElfyEars: Have fun with that

Rose: That it?

ElfyEars: Yup! Please add a dare or truth  below! Thanks

From ElfyEars